Saturday, September 4, 2010

Run Royal Run

One of my favorite canine activities is taking Royal to the dog park! We went to Heritage Park this morning...a gorgeous beginning to the day. They have done lots of good stuff to the park since we were last there, solar powered restrooms for owners, new entrance slab, and the park was mowed nicely. Royal hasn't been since last spring, probably April!
You can see how much he loves to run in this photo. It is so fun to watch him, too. Someone at the park will always comment on how fast he is. He's really just trotting here, but I love how Glen got the shot just as his ears were thrust upward in mid-stride! It makes him look like an exotic dingo.
We stayed for about an hour and Royal made a few friends, which is another interesting aspect of dog-parking. Apparently, dogs pick out other dogs to associate with much like people do. Some dogs will get a passing glance from Royal, some he completely ignores, others will get his attention immediately, and he will engage in play or chase right away. Today he chose a nice looking border collie, first. The collie chased and chased trying to catch Royal, all the while he had a huge grin on his face as if to say, Ha! You'll never catch me!
Royal likes dog owners more than he likes dogs, I think. He always picks out pretty blonde girls, little kids, or grandma ladies. He likes men, too, but they don't usually talk to him like the others do. He gets pretty excited and jumps up for kisses, which most folks don't really appreciate! 
He's pretty tired right now, laying on his cushion all rolled in a ball. Guess he knows its time for football and he better get his nap in before the yelling starts!