Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love Flowers!

This is one passion I share with my mother. Little did I know as I stood by watching her gaze at the small patch of flowers that she planted every year, that one day I would step up to take her place! At the time, I certainly didn't get it, how could a few plants struggling through a beastly hot Kansas sun give one so much pleasure? Now that the big 6-0 is knocking on the door, I completely get it!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Sleepytown is number seven on Devin Tait's "Its Never the Way You Imagine It". I rarely make it through a listen to this tune without tearing up! The roots to this song run very deeply through our family with its dreamy, reminiscent lyrics. To me, it represents people and places that have come before, dreams and desires yet unfulfilled, and a time and place that may never be ours again. The song is simple and direct so I would like to see a remake of it with more simple, honest instrumentals because to me it is sacred, not rough and rambunctious. 


Oh my! Just when you think I can't have another favorite song from Devin Tait's "Its Never the Way You Imagine It" I waited far too long to pay homage to Ventriloquist! I get the biggest kick out of this song and I usually end up repeating its play several times before I'm satisfied. Its such a catchy tune but the instrumentals blow me away, so juxtaposed with the lyrics! Touche, Devin, this one keeps me singing even in my sleep!

Bridge to Nowhere

Cheesie pic, I know, but I have been meaning to blog about Devin Tait's sixth song from his new album for the longest time! It is an especially favorite song to me because it is a duet with a very special person in our family, Angela. Her voice is a perfect accompaniment to Devin's and I love the way they blend together. I also understand the frustrations Devin must feel that prompted him to write and perform this song, "brick by brick we lay it down, no expense is spared, but I won't reach you and you won't reach me, its a bridge to nowhere!"
 I enjoy the instrumentals on this song as well, probably because the guitar, mix and additional production is by Brandon Glen.
All rolled up this is an great song, easy to sing-a-long to and fun to listen to!